Women’s Resource Center

Female Sex Symbol - Women Resource Center

Our Women’s Resource Center is more than just a calming basement living room to relax in before your next class. They have a wealth of resources for those who need them, from free pads and tampons to confidential support services. It acts alternately as a study space, event space, crisis center, and specialized health center. The volunteers at the Center are endlessly kind and understanding, making the entire experience feel safe.

   If you want to get more involved with feminist campaigning or awareness raising, this is the place to start. Either by becoming a WRC volunteer yourself or by attending events, you are making your voice heard. Being there to support your peers through difficult challenges is a feminist act in itself and that’s what the WRC is best at. They run through an annual schedule of events with the aim of making campus a safer place: Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, Social Sustainability Month in November, and Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April. You can also contact them to pitch your own feminist event.

   Perhaps the most important work the WRC does is run the Sexual and Relationship Violence Response Program. This program is open to all genders and orientations. It aims to provide those who have experienced assault the resources they need to feel safe, to report, or just to have someone to talk to. It’s completely confidential and those who run the program are willing to work with you in whatever way you feel comfortable with. 

   The WRC is located on the 4th Floor SMSU (724 Harrison Street, Rm 439) and is open every week day from 9AM-5PM. The Center welcomes all women, nonbinary people, victims of violence, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.


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