February, The Horoscope

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Welcome, Star Children. It’s me, Moonbeam Glaze, your certified celestial interpreter, giving you the best and most accurate personalized astral readings for the month of February. The planets and stars have much planned this month, so be sure to be as connected to your spiritual side as can be. As always, I read the stars that you lovelies rest under and with my gifts granted by the powers of the universe, offer the best horoscopes you could ever find! Read on for the month:

Taurus: February is a going to be a tough month for you, Taurus. Your strength and patience will be tested so listen to the stars and ignore everyone, no matter who they are. Company means trouble for you, Taurus, and you can’t be held accountable for the actions you take. Reschedule that doctor’s appointment so as to avoid any personal jabs thrown your way.

Leo: This month, Leo, people will try to say you’re worth less than you actually are. Remember to keep your head high and strut with confidence wherever you go, be it down the street or in the deli aisle because you never know who just might be plotting to stab you in the back when you turn the corner. Embrace your instincts and pounce on them before they even know you’re there.

Pisces: You might have trouble finding a sure path this month, Pisces, but don’t be discouraged. Follow your heart and you will end up right where you need to be at just the right time. The stars will guide you, so don’t stress about setting you alarm clock for that important meeting; you will be on time.

Gemini: Now is the time for you to let go, Gemini. Call up a few of your closest friends and show them the other side of you over a few bottles of wine. Embrace that chameleon trait that some not-so-secure people may call “fake.” Show that you sip boxed wine with dignity but are also capable of holding your own in a stair-sledding competition.

Aries/Virgo/Sagittarius/Scorpio/Aquarius: Don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself this month! You’re a unique individual that is like no other, but sometimes a change is needed to be your best self. Go out and see what the world has to offer. Splurge on that new car you’ve been eyeing even if your S.O. thinks it’s too much.

Capricorn: This month, Capricorn, take advantage of your more ambitious side and don’t hold anything back. Play dirty, Capricorn; February is the month of no-holds barred fighting and you will be the gladiator that comes out on top. Join a fight club and show them what you got!

Cancer: Oh, Cancer. Where to begin. Just try to get through February with only one box of tissues. Break all relationships with other people and adopt a cat instead.Libra: Weigh the pros and cons heavily for every decision you make this month, Libra. Take your time making even the smallest of decisions, even when loved ones pressure you to hurry it up. You know in your gut that where you might have lunch could be the difference between meeting your one true love and meeting that one person who thinks a friendly smile is an invitation to sit down and ruin your peace of mind for years to come.

This article originally appeared in the print edition of our February 2018, issue.

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